Saturday, 27 June 2009

This is only a quick blog just to say hello!
Have been madly busy for the last few weeks, my partners dad has been in hospital, its been my daughters birthday just to name a couple of things and this morning I fainted, great start to the weekend! :/ lol
I am hoping to do some baking this week, and will be uploading pics of my daughters birthday cake :)
Hope everyone who reads this is well xx

Monday, 15 June 2009

I declare the 'greenhouse' open!

Well the mini 'greenhouse' is now in place in our garden, and plants are in it too! I think some of the seeds we had planted earlier (pre greenhouse) might be lost as where we were keeping them didn't have enough decent sunlight and constant warmth, but we live and learn and hopefully from now on won't lose too many more in the future!
We have been given 2 lovely tomato plants that are doing well, can't wait to eat something we've actually grown! Will post pics of our tomatoes as they grow! :)

I have also made myself a small table for doing our potting up and little gardening jobs on, just out of an old shelf and some wooden legs from an old table we had, was rather pleased with myself! :)

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

A little bit of outside, inside

After what was generally lovely start to the summer the last few days or so has been.... well not great! :( Since I was doing alot of pottering about in the garden i've begun to miss it (quite shocking for me), anyway this morning after putting the rubbish out for the dustmen and getting soaked by the rain covered buddleia as I brushed past it I decided to cut it back a bit (yes in the rain, and yes I know I am mad! lol) it seemed such a shame to just discard the long stems I had cut back so I put them in a vase and collected a couple of other flowers from the garden too and they are now cheering up the fireplace area on a very damp and cold (june) day!

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

DIY mini greenhouse?

After trying and slowly failing with some seeds recently i'd been looking at the mini greenhouse type things you can get these days (A metal shelving unit with plastic zipped cover). After a bit of shopping around and looking at various options (and prices) I decided to use a metal shelving unit I already had and my parents gave me some bubble wrap... so quite a lot of bubble wrap, duct tape and time later this is what we've got.... (i'm rather proud of myself!). Now just to sort my seeds out and get them in there, and my tomato plants! Watch this space!! :)

Sunday, 7 June 2009

Necklace :)

I have been sorting out some more jewellery i've made today,
am planning to try and sell some if anyone would buy it :/
This is one of my favourites so far, not the most complicated
i've made but I really like the combination of beads!

I love the way the different styles and colours blend, sometimes some of the least likely of beads and patterns can go together.

Sorry this is quite a short post again, have my head all over the place doing lots of things at the moment, will hopefully blog about some of them very soon! :)


I am planning on doing a more creative post later today but for now just wanted to share this, I love this song at the moment :)

Saturday, 6 June 2009

Ah its ok!

Phew, must of just needed to wait a minute - panic over!!! :)

Oh No whats happened?!

I've just got back in and noticed that my dashboard says i'm not following any blogs?! HELP
Has anyone else noticed this has happened to them or is it just me?!


Thursday, 4 June 2009

Is it just me or are there rarely enough hours in the day? I'm sure i've mentioned this before but its something that still bothers me, so thought i'd mention it again!
It doesn't even seem to matter how early I get up!
I seem to have this neverending list of jobs to get done but each day they are still there - I don't mean housework stuff, but website/blog/craft type things, I need to be able to surf the net/work on website while I sleep I think lol.