Saturday, 11 April 2009

Happy Easter

Hi again!

I cannot believe its been nearly 3 weeks again since i've posted!! Where does the time go?!

There doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day again lately, each day I plan to get 'x,y and z' completed, yet on starting one job it seems to present several others with it - still nevermind, 'one day' i'll get it done won't I?

I have made a few cakes lately but haven't taken any photos (d'oh!), i've made which were lovely, if not quite as 'rock' like as she makes hers, but were a vast improvement on any rock cakes i've made in the past - my children called them flat cakes, so you get the idea how bad they were in the past!
Have also made a victoria sponge cake again this week, and still didn't take a pic of a slice! I have been given a Betty Crocker Cake tin set, and have yet to try this out, will post pics with my first creation with this as soon as I use it!!

I have a couple of other things to blog about later but thought this would be a start for today, but the washing up and hoover is calling me for now.....

HAPPY EASTER to everyone xXx

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, one small job usually ends up as 20 small jobs for me too! If you ever get it all done - please, please write and tell me the secret! Thanks for the link back to my blog :) and the kind words xx Happy Easter :)