Whenever I do drawings I always do them way too small, almost as if i'm frightened of making a mistake or if I do it will be so small it won't matter (too much), I rarely colour them in any way, I always stick with safe things to draw
instead of creating something I want and if i'm honest I hardly ever actually finish something either. So the challenge to myself was:

- To create something completely different
- Make it large -A4 (I know this isn't huge but believe me to me its gigantic!)]
- Colour it
- FINISH it!!
Wow, that's brilliant! Good for you! :)
it looks very nice!!! :)
how did you paint it?
Thanks Omi :)
Thank you Lilize :)I just used colouring pencils, am hoping to do a 'painting' soon though :) x
you did well! you should be proud! cheers!
Thank you very much :)
Nice colors. Keep up the talent.
i guess i'm not the only one taking a break from blogging. hope u come back soon! :)
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